A full restored resemblance of Aglovale's weapon. Feralia forged this from many memories of the brave knight, who was once lost to the demons of the season. It occasionally grants one greatly increased Arcane ability.
Tier: ★10
Raritate: Legendar
Useable by: Toate clasele
Place: Armă
Atac: 303
Magie: 303
PV: 333
Mana: 333
Crit: 1%
Ward: -50%
Adornment Slots: 8
Cu Două Mâini
Abilitate: Aglostrike II
Strike hard with arcane magic with the chance to hit an additional target. This skill will use either your magic or attack stat, depending on which is greater.
Arcane ↑↑ (15%)
Upgrade materials: