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Updates & Release Notes

Mage classline Identity Update Patch
Date released: 03/05/2025
* Introduced the "Omniflask" Manaflask ability, providing a strong charged flask ability to help fill the gap with Weaved Element finales
* Heretic Corvus: Replaced the "Manaseep Flask" with "Inflection Flask"
* New multi-element spells: "Infernus Mire", "Tidal Stormflare", "Terra Stormtide", "Gale Volcanis", providing 3 elements each and charging Flasks more effectively
-- These spells were added to the Heretic class
-- "Magic Hammer IV", "Magic Sword IV", "Magic Dagger IV", and "Magic Arrow IV" were moved to the Heretic Corvus celestial class
* Reduced the Sigil bonus damage of Ara Vestaga
Mage classline Identity Patch
Date released: 02/25/2025
Mage classline identity improvements:
* Introduced the "Manaflasks" and "Bloodflasks" passives to the Mage classline, allowing the usage of Flask abilities in battle
-- Flask abilities are similar to spells, but require Flask charges opposed to mana
-- Each mage class has preset Flasks available to them, which do not need to be equipped to be accessed in battle
-- Flasks receive charges by making use of elemental spells in battle
-- Flasks receive extra charges by making use of elemental weaknesses in battle
-- Heretic Ara and Corvus spells additionally charge flasks
* Introduced the passive "Efficacious", allowing the Mage classline to bypass elemental immunities and reduces damage taken when casting a multi-turn spell
* Reworked most of the Ara spells to be more useful
* Archmage: Added the passive "Manaflasks"
* Court Mage: Added the passive "Manaflasks II"
* Spellsword: Added the passive "Manaflasks II"
* Druid: Added the passive "Manaflasks II"
* Spellweaver: Added the passive "Manaflasks II"
* Archdruid: Replaced the passive "Mana Saver" with "Manaflasks III"
* Nekromancer: Replaced the passive "Mana Siphon" with "Bloodflasks"
* Omnimancer: Added the passive "Bloodflasks"
* Omnimancer: Replaced passive "Weaved Elements II" with "Efficacious"
* Omnimancer Ara: Added the passive "Efficacious""
* Omnimancer Ara: Added the passive "Manaflasks III"
* Omnimancer Ara: Now learns Ara sigils, Ara Vesta, and Ara Vestala
* Omnimancer Antlia: Added the passive "Bloodflasks"
* Heretic: Replaced passive "The Heretic" with "Efficacious II"
* Heretic: Added the passive "Bloodflasks II"
* Heretic Ara: Replaced passive "Weaved Elements II" with "Efficacious II"
* Heretic Ara: Added the passive "Manaflasks IV"
* Heretic Corvus: Added the passive "Critical Poise"
* Heretic Corvus: Removed the passive "Corvus"
* Heretic Corvus: Adjusted the passive "Steadfast II" to "Steadfast"
* Heretic Corvus: Added the passive "Flasks of Corvus", increasing Flask charge rates
* Heretic Corvus: Added the passive "Bloodflasks II"
* Paladin: Replaced passive "Weaved Elements" with "Efficacious"
* All Off-hand Scrolls now have the ability to increase the rates at which Manaflasks charge in battle
* All Off-hand Scrolls now have positive Ward stats
* Flask charges are persistent across battles in Towers and Monuments

Other changes:
* Monster weakness review:
-- There are now an equal amount of elemental weaknesses in the game for each of the 4 faction elements
-- Ensured that at least 30% of each tier is weak to at least one of the 4 faction elements
* Midgame Arcane spells (Arcana, Arcanus, etc) now use either the magic or attack stat, whichever is higher
* Apex charge is persistent across battles in Monuments
* [PvP/PvE] Players can no longer counterattack when afflicted by an immobilizing status effect
Date released: 02/20/2025
* Support for Manaflasks, releasing the week of February 24th
* Added a "Locked" filter, Sort, and Tier filter to the Blacksmith
* The Warrior and Thief classes now start with their first skill unlocked
* Blacksmith upgrades can now be cancelled
* Visual updates to the in-battle menu
* The follower change NPC now shows on Titan floors of Towers of Olympia
Two-handed Weapons Patch
Date released: 02/04/2025
* Increased the Ward of all Two-handed weapons that previously had Ward
* "Crush" can now hit an additional target
* "Upward Strike" can now hit an additional target
* "Upward Strike II" can now hit up to 2 additional targets
* "Slice" can now hit an additional target
* "Swansong" now hits all opponents
* "Despair" now hits all opponents
* "Envy" now hits all opponents
* The weapon skill "Slice" has been added to: Kerberos Claws, Arisen Kerberos Claws, Chained Shadeblades, Arisen Shadeblades
* The weapon skill "Cleave" has been added to: Eastern Regalia, Crook and Flail
* The weapon skill "Aglostrike" has been added to: Hallowed Blade
* The weapon skill "Aglostrike II" has been added to: Aglovale, Old Hallowed Blade
* The weapon skill "Upward Strike II" has been added to: Lynx Labrys
* The weapon skill "Twin Blast" has been added to: Distorted Manablades, Arisen Manablades
* Arisen Trevelyan's Archistaff now has "Brilliant Lights II", which hits all opponents
* "Ravage" and "Unrelenting Fury" now hit up to 5 additional targets
Orna: The GPS RPG
Server patch: 1/21/2025
Date released: 1/21/2025
* Added the "Demeter's Lotan" limited time follower
Server patch: 1/2/2025
Date released: 1/2/2025
* Archpath quests now begin tracking upon opening the game, rather than opening the Archpath menu
* Future days' quests can now be completed immediately after using a Latchstone
Server patch: 12/30/2024
Date released: 12/30/2024
* Updated calendar for 2025
-- The December event list may not reflect what had run this month, but now reflects an event schedule for next year
Date released: 12/29/2024
* Fixed an issue that may cause the Final Reward of an Archpath to show invisibly (but could still be tapped on)
Archpaths Patch: 12/05/2024
Date released: 12/05/2024
* The first 3 days of an Archpath are always available to everyone
* The previous 3 days to the current day of an Archpath are always available to everyone
* Added a final reward for Locked Archpaths
* Improved both the unlocked and locked final rewards
* Replaced the Festive Summoning Scroll with the Monumental Summoning Scroll in final rewards
* Re-added 1 Crest of the Felling to both final rewards
Server Patch: 11/29/2024
Date released: 11/29/2024
* Rescheduling December events for Dec 2nd
* Added support for Archpaths, debuting in December
* Support for new materials and consumables icons
-- Some will be visible now, most be be visible in the next app update
* Corrected the Avidity chance of the Fey Raven Diabolus gear
Morrigan Gear Patch: 11/22/2024
Date released: 11/22/2024
* Added Ward to most endgame Arisen Morrigan armor pieces that were lacking Ward or had negative Ward
* Normalized some stats across classlines
* Crowsong (base, Arisen, Fey): Added follower/act bonuses
* Badb Catha (base, Arisen, Fey): Added status protection and the Assassin (debuff) bonus
* Neman Havoc: Added accuracy bonus and dexterity
* Macha Pillar: introduced a def/res piercing bonus, allowing more damage to pierce an opponent's resistance or defense
* Arisen Plaged armor: added Collateral Damage/Chance
* Arisen Raven armor: added Avidity chance
* Arisen Banshee gear: added def/res piercing bonus
* Added Toxic and Cursed immunities to all armor pieces
* Introduced Diabolus versions of all Arisen Morrigan armor pieces
-- Diabolus variants further diminish HP/Mana, but offer increased passive effects
Server Patch: 11/15/2024
Date released: 11/15/2024
* New super raid: Hyperion. Available 11/18/2024
* Moved the Crimson Festival to 11/15/2024
* Reduced the price of the Shrine of Asteria
* New purchasable follower: The Ashen Turkey
* The Sword/Shield/Axe minigame in Settlements now always grants both a Proof of Conquering and Guild XP
* Reduced the required Guild level for the Blade of Finesse specialization in the Conqueror's Guild shop
* Push notifications on new events should no longer fail to send
* New Scholar's and Builder's packs for early and mid-tier players
Orna: The GPS RPG
Date released: 10/29/2024
* The Conqueror's Guild
-- Players can now enjoy a new Territory Control system, allowing them to claim and defend Settlements for daily rewards
-- A Conqueror's Guild Hall must be built in your Origin Town to get started
-- For existing players, both territory control systems can be played in tandem by selecting the "Legacy Conqueror" option in the Conqueror's Guild Hall
* New Area Exploration experience
-- Area Exploration is now found as a tab in the Traveler's Guild menu
-- Area Exploration Encounters now change once per day
-- Your existing Area Exploration progress is still honoured
* Added players badges to player profiles to highlight special achievements in the game
-- High ranking area control players will now receive exclusive badges when opting in to the Conqueror's Guild
* Added new Leaderboards to every Guild Hall
* Added an "Upgrade again" option to the Blacksmith
* Improved the Achievements menu
* Improved the Notifications/inbox menu
* Removed the Influence screen
* Menu and general user interface updates
* The Ring of Restraint can now negate the walking EXP bonus of some classes
* Memory Hunt interaction ranges are now shown on the map (Orna)
* Inventory can now be searched by dismantled material name
* The "New" filter in bestiaries is now persistent
* Characters can be favorited in the title screen's character selector
* Some battery optimizations for fishing, memory hunts, and tower puzzles
* The cooldown until the next Kingdom Gauntlet is now shown in-game
* To help combat cheating, no more than 500 fish can be caught in a day
* Misc QoL improvements and bug fixes
Orna: The GPS RPG
Server Patch: 10/19/2024
Date released: 10/19/2024
* Bug fixes for the Conqueror's Guild
* Reduced decay frequency for the Conqueror's Guild
* The "Overlevelled" profile badge
* Adjustments to prevent clustering issues with Places-of-interest content seeding
-- This change may not be seen immediately, and Settlement, Tower, and Monument locations may shift as a result
Orna: The GPS RPG
Server Patch: 10/15/2024
Date released: 10/15/2024
* Support for the Conqueror's Guild
* Places-of-interest aware content
-- GPS based content will now favour places of interest over random locations, when applicable
-- Real-world landmarks such as parks, museums, monuments, memorials, airports, transit stations, and other tourist attractions will now have a higher chance of having a Tower, Monument, Settlement, or Riftbreak at their location
-- This change will reset the current week's Tower, Monument, and Riftbreak locations
-- This change will not affect the amount of Towers or Monuments in the world
-- Rural players will continue to have the same amount of content
* Many actions that had a 23 or 24 cooldown now reset at your local midnight time
-- This change will reset the cooldowns of these actions today
* The "Duke Bonus" is now replaced with the "Conquering Bonus", given for 60 minutes after a Settlement or Area is taken